Current operations

The INEGI carries out various projects throughout the national territory to collect statistical and geographical information.

Consequently, it may be possible for Institute personnel, duly identified, to go to your housing unit or establishment so that you can fill out a questionnaire on statistical data. You can also find the personnel of the INEGl in the field or cities that are carrying out works to update geographical data. We appreciate the support you can provide them.

  • In households
    • National Survey of Financial Inclusion (ENIF) 2024.

      • Data collection period:From June 24th to August 16th, 2024.

        Objective:To generate statistical information and official indicators at the national level that allow financial authorities to make diagnoses, design public policies and establish goals regarding inclusion and financial education; also, to incorporate updates required to address information requirements and considerations in the National Policy for Financial Inclusion (PNIF).

    • National Survey on Availability and Use of Information Technologies in Households (ENDUTIH) 2024.

      • Data collection period: From June 6th to August 2nd, 2024.

        Objective:To generate statistical information that makes it possible to know the availability and use of Information technologies in households and their use by people aged 6 years and over.

    • National Survey of Urban Public Safety (ENSU) 2024.

      • Data collection periods: The period in which the selected housing units will be visited includes:
        1st quarter: from February 23rd to March 15th, 2024.
        2nd quarter: from May 24th to June 14th, 2024.
        3rd quarter: from August 23rd to September 13th, 2024.
        4th quarter: from November 22nd to December 13th, 2024.

        Objective:To generate information that makes it possible to make estimates with representativeness at the national urban level of the population's perception of public safety in their city. It seeks to provide information to the general public and provide elements for public policy decision making in matters of safety.

    • Field Operation for the Collection of Population (OCP) 2024.

      • Data collection period:All year.

        Objective:To count and collect information on inhabited private housing units that were selected, to collect sociodemographic variables such as the total of inhabitants and the sex and age of each resident, in blocks defined outside the Master Sample (MM), which will be integrated the sample for Population Estimation.
        As a result of this process, the INEGI generates a quarterly population estimate drawn from its Sampling Framework of housing units, as a pertinent and timely figure at the national level and by state.

    • Update of the National Housing Framework.

      • Conduction period:All year.

        Objective:To generate the National Housing Framework, through the elaboration and update of lists and sketches of housing units, for which the personnel of the INEGI visits predetermined geographical areas to obtain elements that make it possible to correctly locate the housing units and their housing status, the name of the head of the family and the sociodemographic characteristics of their inhabitants such as age and gender, telephone contact number or email account. The purpose is to have basic information that facilitates the selection of housing units, under a specific sampling design, to conduct the household surveys applied by the Institute.

    • Self-reported Well-being Module (BIARE).

      • Conduction period:The information is collected and the conduction is supervised during the first 22 days of the months of January, April, July and October of each year.

        Objective:To collect those aspects related to subjective well-being, which the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) recommends to be followed up on by the national statistical offices. The information is representative of the adult population concentrated in 32 cities of the country.

    • Module of Sports Practice and Physical Exercise (MOPRADEF).

      • Conduction period:The information is collected and the conduction is supervised during the first 20 days of the month of November of each year, since 2013 to date.

        Objective:To generate statistical information on the participation of men and women aged 18 years and over in the practice of a sport or physical exercise in their free time, as well as other characteristics of interest regarding these physical activities, for the creation of public policies aimed at improving the health and quality of life in Mexico.

    • National Survey of Occupation and Employment (ENOE).

      • Conduction period:All year.

        Objective:To generate statistical information on the occupational characteristics of the population, as well as demographic and economic variables to deepen the analysis of labor markets and the planning and design of public labor policies. Modality of the conduction: Face-to-face and via telephone.

    • National Survey on Consumer Confidence (ENCO).

      • Conduction period:All year.

        Objective:To collect qualitative and quantitative statistical information in order to obtain indicators at the national level regarding the current perception and future expectations of the population aged 18 years and over regarding their own economic situation, of their family and of the country; also, the possibilities of purchasing durable and non-durable consumer goods, as well as other important economic variables such as employment, inflation and savings.

  • In establishments
    • Survey of International Trade in Services (ECIS) 2024.

      • Conduction period:From June 17th to July 31st, 2024.

        Objective:To generate relevant, timely and truthful information of enterprises that carry out trade flows of services abroad, in order to provide useful elements for decision-making, as well as support the design, implementation and evaluation of public policies in the matter.

    • Economic Censuses of the Transport Group.

      • Conduction period:From June 3rd to July 31st, 2024.

        Objective:To collect census information from enterprises that provide transport or courier services in the country.

    • Economic Censuses of the Construction Group.

      • Conduction period:From June 3rd to July 31st, 2024.

        Objective:To collect census information from construction companies in the country.

    • Economic Censuses of the Business Priority Group (GPN) 2024.

      • Conduction period:From May 20th to July 31st, 2024.

        Objective:To carry out the collection of census information from the most important and strategic establishments and enterprises of the country.

    • Economic Censuses of the Fishing-Mining Group 2024.

      • Conduction period: From May 20th to July 19th, 2024.

        Objective:To carry out the collection of census information from fishing and mining units of the country.

    • Recovery of Lags of the Massive Operation of the Economic Censuses (RROM) 2024.

      • Conduction period:From May 16th to June 30th, 2024.

        Objective:To recover the outstanding lags of the country's small and medium-sized establishments, as well as the Water Operating Bodies.

    • National Survey of Business Victimization (ENVE) 2024.

      • Conduction period:From May 2nd to June 28th, 2024.

        Reconsultations: October 2024.

        Objective:To generate information that allows estimates to be carried out with national coverage referring to 2023 for economic units within the private sector on crime prevalence, levels of crime incidence and the corresponding dark figure at the national level and by state; as well as the characteristics of the crime, the context of victimization and the economic and social impact of the crime on the economic units of the private sector; the perception of public safety, as well as the performance and experiences with the institutions in charge of public safety and justice. This in order to provide information to the general public and generate elements for making public policy decisions in these matters.

    • Health Statistics in Private Establishments (ESEP).

      • Conduction period:The ESEP is a permanent project, whose conduction is continuous.

        Objective:The Health Statistics in Private Establishments (ESEP), aims to continuously and timely provide basic information on services, human and material resources, morbidity and mortality in medical units of the private sector, as well as to collect information that serves for the analysis, research, planning and evaluation of the characteristics and effects of the health policy in the country, and to provide statistical data to complete the statistics of the health sector.

    • National Economic Surveys, Monthly Operation (questionnaires for the following economic units: manufacturing –including those with the IMMEX program-, trade, service, transport and construction).

      • Conduction period:Between the 1st and 25th of each month, you will receive a visit from an interviewer, who will fully identify himself as an INEGI employee, or if you prefer, you can provide your information via internet.

        Objective:o generate short-term information on the manufacturing, trade, services, transport and construction sectors, which accounts for the behavior and monthly evolution presented of said sectors through the data collection of the value of its main economic variables such as the employed personnel and their remuneration, income and production, value among others, which are very useful for decision-making in economic matters.

    • Monthly Survey of Business Opinion (EMOE).

      • Conduction period:It is carried out between the 1st and 17th of each month, depending on the sector of your enterprise, you will be visited by an interviewer (for those in the Manufacturing Sector), or receive a phone call (for those in the Construction, Trade and Private Non-Financial Services sectors) for the collection of the information from the questionnaire, and in both cases the INEGI employees will fully identify themselves as such, or if you prefer, you can provide your information via internet.

        The dates indicated are in accordance with the INEGI results dissemination calendar.

        Objective:To generate monthly qualitative indicators on the trend and confidence drawn from the opinions of the enterprise leaders of the economic units, in order to know in advance the behavior of the economic activity of the Construction, Manufacturing Industries, Trade and Private Non-Financial Services sectors, that contribute to the decision making of all sectors of society.

    • Monthly Statistics of the Mining and Metallurgical Industry (EMIM).

      • Conduction period:All month, although it is preferable that the informant deliver or send their questionnaires before the 25th of each month, in order to provide the information.

        Objective:To generate relevant, reliable and timely indicators on the volumes of mining and metallurgical production, which serve as support for the elaboration and formulation of development policies for said sector.

    • Eurostat-OECD PPP Programme.

      • Conduction period:All year.

        Objective:To carry out studies on the prices of goods and services to estimate purchasing power parities and their associated statistics, related to international comparisons of prices, volumes and levels of well-being among the participating countries.

    • National Consumer Price Index (INPC).

      • Conduction period:All year.

        Objective:To measure the evolution over time of the general price level of the goods and services consumed by households in the country.

    • Producer Price Index (INPP).

      • Conduction period:All year.

        Objective:To measure the evolution over time of the general level of prices of goods and services, representative of the country's national production.

    • Surveys of International Travelers.

      • Conduction period:Daily, at airports and borders.

        Objective:To obtain the information for the Balance of Payments, drawn from the entry and exit of foreign currency generated by international travelers and border workers.

  • In government offices
    • National Census of Municipal Governments and Territorial Demarcations of Mexico City (CNGMD) 2017.

      • Conduction period:From April 12th to July 16th, 2021.

        Objective:To generate statistical and geographical information on the management and performance of the institutions that make up the Public Administration of each municipality and territorial demarcation of Mexico City, specifically in the functions of government, public safety, civil justice, potable water and sanitation, urban solid residues and the environment, in order to link said information to the governmental work within the process of design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies of national scope in the aforementioned topics of interest.

    • Statistics on the provision of potable water, sanitation, and urban solid residues collection services.

      • Conduction period:All year.

        Objective:To generate basic environmental statistical information that characterizes the provision of potable water and sanitation and urban solid residues collection services, carried out by municipal and delegational governments.

    • Vital statistics.

      • Conduction period:All year.

        Objective:To generate continuous statistical information that characterizes the events that have occurred in the life of the population, such as: births, marriages, divorces and deaths, from the administrative records originated in the Civil Registration Offices, Family, Civil and Mixed Courts, and in the Offices of the Public Prosecutor, in order to provide an information basis that makes it possible the demographic analysis of the country, to carry out the planning and evaluation of public policies, as well as the research and provision of the public information service to society in general.

    • Statistics on Labor Relations of Local Jurisdiction.

      • Conduction period:All year.

        Objective:To generate continuous statistical information that characterizes the laborer-boss conflicts registered in the local instances of the administration of labor justice, through the information collected in the local conciliation and arbitration boards, as well as in the local, municipal and regional conciliation boards, in order to provide an information basis to carry out the planning and evaluation of public policies, as well as the research and the provision of the public information service to society in general.

    • National Survey of Imprisoned Population (ENPOL) 2021.

      • Conduction period:From June 14th to July 26th, 2021.

        Objective:To generate relevant statistical information with national representation, by state and by penitentiary centers of interest, on the experience of criminal procedure and detention of the population deprived of their liberty aged 18 years and over. This information will make it possible to generate estimates on the following topics: Sociodemographic characteristics, Family and work history, Criminal process, Arrest, Public Prosecutor, Judicial process, Penitentiary center, Intra-prison life, Release expectations, Corruption experiences.

  • Related to Geographical information
    • Cadastral Studies and Projects.

      • Conduction period:All year.

        Objective:To generate Works on Cadastral Diagnosis, Elaboration of the Executive Project and Technical Supervision, related to the Municipal Cadastral Modernization, in collaboration with BANOBRAS and the municipalities of the country that request it. To achieve the above objective, it is necessary to carry out cabinet activities to review the processes and methodologies for the development of cadastral management; to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of cadastral information contained in databases; to identify and evaluate the capacity of their technological infrastructure in accordance with the information flow and the operations carried out; to advise the municipalities on the construction of modernization projects in accordance with their areas of improvement detected in the administration of cadastral information framed within their functions and powers; and to support them in the technical, operational and regulatory review of the functionality of the cadastral products and services carried out to achieve the modernization of their cadastre.

    • Activities in the field of Monumentation and Positioning of Horizontal, Vertical and Gravimetric Geodetic Stations.

      • Conduction period:All year.

        Objective:The National Passive Geodetic Network is made up of stations, some identified with a metal plate on a monument or embedded, on which measurements are made to provide them with geodetic coordinates and they are scattered throughout the territory. These stations are used to geo-reference Geographical and Statistical Information, as well as to provide the Public Service of Statistical and Geographical Information.

    • Update of the National Geostatistical Framework.

      • Conduction period:All year.

        Objective:To keep the information of the National Geostatistical Framework updated, through field verification, with the data provided by other projects of the General Directorate of Geography and the Environment, as well as other agencies of the public sector.

    • Update of Basic Information.

      • Conduction period:All year.

        Objective:he update of Basic Cartography aims to update features such as: communication, electrical, hydraulic and other routes; localities and place names of the elements.

    • Update of Natural Resources.

      • Conduction period:All year.

        Objective:In the generation and update of natural resources information, they collect data on: surface and groundwater hydrology; use of soil and vegetation, soil types and properties, and geological studies. In addition to observations and measurements in the field, it includes the collection of water, soil, plants, and rocks samples.